Echocardiography Best Practice: A Case-Based Update

November 20-23, 2025
In-Person | Fairmont Scottsdale Princess, Scottsdale, AZ

Registration Opening Soon
Price: To Be Determined


Fairmont Scottsdale Princess
7575 East Princess Drive 
Scottsdale, AZ 85255 

This course is designed to provide the clinician and cardiac sonographer with an update on the basic concepts as well as advanced techniques when assessing cardiac disease with echocardiography and other imaging modalities. Experts in echocardiography will use illustrative cases and lectures to highlight the role of echocardiography in cardiology such as valvular heart disease, heart failure, myocardial disease, cardiac function, and congenital heart disease. This course will familiarize attendees with recent technological advances in the field. New topics such as 3D imaging, strain imaging and hand-held echo imaging are unique aspects to be discussed during the course along with appropriate use in the operating room, hemodynamic evaluation including cardiac emergencies, cardiac catheterization laboratory, critical care units and in operating rooms will be discussed.

The course is intended for practicing adult cardiologist, cardiac sonographers, cardiovascular surgeons, cardiovascular fellows, physician assistance, nurse practitioners, and nurses who order, perform and interpret echo exams to enhance their knowledge of echocardiographic assessment of cardiac disease. The course is designed to further advance your experience in clinical application of echocardiography.

Livestream participation is to be viewed during the livestreaming hours posted for the course. This course is not intended, nor approved, as an on-demand learning activity.

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