Currently accepting registrations!
Credit Types:
AMA PRA Category 1™
Price: $875-$975 | Register by 12/29 to Save $100
Guest rooms have been reserved for attendees and their guests with special course rates at the Marriott Puerto Vallarta. In order to receive the group rate, reservations must be made before the room block is filled or before the expiration date of Thursday, December 26, 2024, whichever comes first. Reservations will be taken after this date based on space and rate availability.
Hotel guestrooms in our block at Cardiology Update at Puerto Vallarta have sold out. However, if you're seeking an alternative course at the same location, there are still guestrooms available.
Check in 4:00 p.m./Check out 12:00 p.m.
Lodging arrangements are the sole responsibility of the individual registrant.
Mayo Clinic CV CME is not responsible for expenses incurred by an individual who is not confirmed and for whom space is not available at the meeting. Costs incurred by the registrant such as airline or hotel fees or penalties are the responsibility of the registrant.
Travel Information
Puerto Vallarta International Airport (PVR) is the recommended airport. The hotel is approximately 5 minutes (1 mile) from the airport. Taxi is the recommended mode of transportation – walk out the airport doors and you will find them.
Travel arrangements are the sole responsibility of the individual registrant.
Price: $875-$975 | Register by 12/29 to Save $100