Registration Closed
Credit Types:
AMA PRA Category 1™
Price: $425-$550 | Early Registration Saves $100
As part of our first annual meeting on Current Applications and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Cardiology meeting, we invite start-ups, academic researchers, trainees, and clinicians to submit research.
We will consider any research that is currently unpublished for presentation in a digital moderated poster format during a special session that will enable engagement with our directors and invited speakers, including Eric Topol, Vinod Khosla, and others. We will further highlight all presented research via social media. We look forward to a heavily interactive environment in which presenters, guests, and attendees can be engaged.
Abstract Form
Please use this form for all submissions.
Due to TCT meeting deadlines, we have decided to extend the submission date to Monday, June 10. Please submit to
Notification of Results
All primary authors will be notified by June 15, 2019 if their submission has been selected and details regarding presentation format, dates, times, etc.
For further information, please contact Sheila Fick.
Price: $425-$550 | Early Registration Saves $100