
Role of Genetics in the Heart Failure Clinic

Role of Genetics in the Heart Failure Clinic

Guest: Naveen Pereira, MD
Host: Kyle Klarich, MD

Genetic testing for heart failure is most beneficial for patients with cardiomyopathies. It aids in personalized treatment, early diagnosis, and family risk assessment, although its uptake has been slow due to costs, access, and interpretation challenges. Ongoing research into genetic mutations and their role in cardiomyopathy pathophysiology could lead to new therapeutic targets and improved disease management.

1. Which patients with heart failure should get genetic testing?
2. Why should genetic testing be performed?
3. How is genetic testing performed?
4. Why has there been a slow uptake in genetic testing for patients with cardiomyopathy?  And what are some possible solutions?
5. Can genetics provide new insight into the pathophysiology of disease, specifically cardiomyopathies?
6. Can this information then be used to help developed new therapeutic targets?
7. What are some of the uncertainties in the field that research should be focused on?

Length: 00:00:00

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